

Longevity & Wellness

Founding Leadership Team
has unmatched 35 years regenerative medicine experience

  • Partnered with Dr. Robert O. Becker Author of Body Electric 1987 for improving circulation, rapid healing and regeneration research via bioelectric signaling.
  • Regenerated first animal heart with muscle cells in 1988
  • First biological pacemarket implantation in animal 1990.
  • Developed and later patented first heart valve placed without surgery 1991
  • First non-surgical aorta reconstruction in 1995
  • First bioelectric regeneration paper published in Circulation in 1999
  • First bioelectric angiogenesis (blood vessel creation) patent filed 2000.
  • First bioelectric stem cell homing patent filed 2000 (issued in 2005)
  • Completed landmark first non-surgical heart generation with muscle stem cells 2001
  • First bioelectric blood pressure modulation patent filed 2004.
  • First bioelectric myogenesis patent issued 2009.
  • First brain regeneration patents filed BDNF, GDF10, Serotonin, Klotho 2022.
  • First bioelectric diabetes reversal patents filed 2022.
    13th patent on bioelectric cancer prevention and suppression issued 2023.
  • Over 700 patent claims related to longevity and healthspan optimization.
  • Over 700,000 patients have been treated with Leonhardt inventions to date.
Support Team

Our Vision

To be world’s most trusted brand and network for regenerative aesthetics, wellness and healthspan longevity extension based on being the undisputed leader in good science validated innovation.

Our Mission

We seek to be the trusted place sanctuary for those overwhelmed with all the information on wellness, healthspan longevity and regenerative aesthetics technologies. Striving to deliver best in class patient experience and clinical outcomes through our network of licensed, trained and supported professionals. Empowered by our one-of-a-kind patented unique technology platform in bioelectric protein expressions and bioelectric enhanced biologics. All coming from a core team with more experience than any other team alive in organ rejuvenation technologies at the convergence of bioelectrics and biologics.

Howard Leonhardt

Executive Chairman and CEO

Dr. Sanjay Bhojraj

Medical Director

Dr. Leslie Miller

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Dipti Itchhaporia

Senior Medical Advisor

Dr. Timothy Henry

Senior Medical Advisor

Kelsie Leonhardt

Chief Operating Officer and Chief NeuroScientist

Anthony Domenici

Chief Financial Officer, Board Director

Dr. Amy Killen

Chief Medical MedSpa Advisor

Brian Lasater

Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Jorge Genovese

VP Bioelectric Regeneration Research

Dr. Neha Bhojraj

Office Manager, Vice President, Co-Founder

James Dorsey

Chief MedSpa Development Consultant

Brian Hardy

Director of Marketing

Lynn Hammerschmidt

Chief Marketing& Logistics Advisor

Natalie Tinnirello

Executive Assistant

Mike Robinson

Board Director, Business Development Advisor

Dr. Stuart K. Williams

Senior Research Advisor

Dr. Robert Kellar

Senior Research Advisor

Dave Whitney

Social Media Marketing Advisor

Amanda Roberts

Social Media Marketing Advisor

Dr. Ghassan Kassab

Senior Medical Research Advisor

Dr. Santosh Kesari

Senior Medical Research Advisor Neuro

Sejal Chaudhari

Research Coordinator

Dr. Fernanda Barros

MedSpa Equipment Training

Rebecca Avila

Warehouse, Shipping, Receiving