Lionheart Longevity & Wellness MedSpa
Midtown New York Location
240 West 37th Street, 5th Floor
Located within Suites by Nylo (between 7th and 8th Avenues)
New York, NY 10018
(929) 822-6821
Offering one-of-a-kind patented cutting edge treatments
- Skin Regeneration.
- Hair Regeneration and removal.
- Body toning and sculpting.
- Joint health.
- Sexual health.
- IV and peptides therapies including vitamin shots.
- Healthspan optimization.
Coming soon:
- Non-invasive breast augmentation.
- Bladder health.
- Diabetes and weight loss management.
- Blood pressure modulation.
- Better breathing and sleep solutions.
- Kidney health.
- Gut microbiota health.
- Fatigue and insomnia treatment.
- Thyroid deficiency treatment.
- Mood, memory and cognition improvement.
- Menopause management.
- Bone density and osteoporosis prevention.
- Strength and performance optimization in partnership with Lionheart Health Gyms.
- Testosterone management.
- Bioelectric breast augmentation.
- Bioidentical hormone therapy.
- NAD+ therapy.
- Klotho optimization therapy.
- Sestrins and sirtuins therapies.
- Cardiovascular health.
- Varicose and spider vein treatment.
- Chronic fatigue recovery treatments
- Botox $12 a unit
- Lip Filler $599
- Juvederm Filler $599
- Restylane Filler $599
- Kybella chin $599 1 vial
- Sculptra 1 vial $795
- SkinVive $299
- Xeomin $599 50 unit vial
Hair Regeneration & Hair Removal
- Lionheart HTM Acrus TM Triple Laser Hair Removal $399
- HairCell TM biolectric protein expression hair regeneration $395
- HairCell TM plus bioelectric enhanced BioPRF TM $595
- GetHairMD TM + HairCell plus bioelectric enhance BioPRF TM $995
- EyeLash extension $155
- Waxing eyebrows $45
- Waxing full legs $95
- Waxing bikini $70
- Hair follicle booster add on $75
Body Toning & Sculpting + Weight Loss
- Body sculpting high intensity electro magnetic $350 first introductory session, $750 for each additional session (package of 4 treatments $1995 paid advance)
- Body sculpting high intensity electrical muscle stimulation OnnaFit TM $195 each session
- BodStim TM EMS and bioelectric protein expression $160 per hour session with personal trainer
- Cool sculpting $750 each session
Sexual Health Treatments
- ErectiStim TM bioelectric protein expression treatment $495 for 45 minutes
- ErectiStim TM Plus bioelectric enhanced BioPRF TM $795
- Bioelectric, EMS, ultrasound, BioPRF TM and electromagnetic and PEMF rejuvenation $895
Healthspan Longevity Optimization
- Customized based on blood, DNA and other tests.
- Includes supervised diet management. Methodlogy TM @ home meal delivery service.
- Includes supervised in cloud BodStim TM exercise.
- May require travel to our satellite clinic in Cabo San Lucas.
Skin Device and Biologics Treatments
- Hand Pen Microneedling + BioPRF TM $595
- RF microneedling $995
- RF microneedling + BioPRF TM $1495
- RF microneedling + SkinStim TM + Bioelectric Enhanced BioPRF + Genex TM Placenta Extract Serum $1995
- SkinStim TM bioelectric protein expression treatment $195 for 45 minutes
- SkinStim TM bioelectric + bioelectric enhance BioPRF $395
- Genix TM placenta extra add on $95
- Exosomes add on $95
- Growth Factors Booster $155
- Peptides add on $195
- Laser tatoo removal laser $199 per session
- Jet Peel TM chemical peel $185
- Photo facial, neck and hands $195
- Ultrasound facial and neck $1995
- Dermaplaning exfoliating $100
- HF acne treatment $115
- Deep pore cleansing facial $130
- Oxygen facial $180
- Anti-aging facial $120
- HydraFacial Deluxe TM Single Session $249
Pampered Lioness TM or Pamper Lion TM Skin Treatment Package = All of the above $2300
Hair Regeneration & Hair Removal
- Lionheart HTM Acrus TM Triple Laser Hair Removal $399
- HairCell TM biolectric protein expression hair regeneration $395
- HairCell TM plus bioelectric enhanced BioPRF TM $595
- GetHairMD TM + HairCell plus bioelectric enhance BioPRF TM $995
- EyeLash extension $155
- Waxing eyebrows $45
- Waxing full legs $95
- Waxing bikini $70
- Hair follicle booster add on $75
Joint Health Treatments
- OrthoStim TM bioelectric protein expression treatment $695
- OrthoStim TM plus bioelectric enhanced BioPRF TM $995
- Add on LED light therapy $195
- Add on PEMF therapy $195
- Add on exosomes $195
IV and Other Therapies
- Ozone therapy $900
- NAD + IV $695
- Immune IV $199
- Longevity IV $199
- Hangover IV $199
- Stress IV $199
- Detox IV $199
- Muscle IV $199
- Brain IV $199
- Weight Loss IV $199
- Energy Plus IV $199
- Gut Health IV $199
- Hydration IV $99
- Vitamin Shots $49
- Hormone optimization – customized based on tests
- Gut microbiota health optimization – customized based on tests
- Breathing optimization – customized based on tests
- Weight loss optimization – customized based on tests
- Diabetes management – customized based on tests
- Cancer screening – outsourced tests and Ezra TM MRI
Staffed by Team of Professional Nurses and Doctors
Anita Rasaki
Asma Aitnouri
Camila Santana
Malia Blume
Mandy Martinez
Monique Gallo
Sharona Avezova
- Dr. Jacob Cynamon
- Dr. Leslie Miller
- Dr. Sanjay Bhojraj
- Dr. Patrick Sewell
- Jorge Genovese Ph.D., M.D.
- Howard Leonhardt
Executive Chairman & CEO - Brian Hardy
Director of Marketing - Natalie Tinnerello
Office Manager
Unique Patented Technologies
Klotho management (powerful muscle building, inflammation reduction and aging reversal protein)
Sestrins, sirtuins, NANOG, NAD, LIM, Apelin, Follistatin management.
Bioelectric enhanced PRF and other biologics.
Tropoelastin elasticity improvement.
Stem cell homing via bioelectric control of SDF1 and PDGF expressions.
COL17A1 for stem cell competition and collagen building for hair and skin.
5 part sexual health treatment platform (1) Grows blood vessels, (2) improves muscle health, (3) improves nerve connections, (4) reduces inflamation, (5) homes stem cells to organs.
Bioelectric joint health treatments with bioelectric enhanced PRF.
Bioelectric blood pressure modulation.
Bioelectric inflammation reduction.
Bioelectric breast augmentation.
Bioelectric bladder health stimulation.