Regenerative Aesthetics
regenerate your skin
- 18% increase in elasticity.
- 35% increase in collagen.
- Dramatic reduction of inflammation.
- Noticeable reduction of visible wrinkles.
- Only skin regeneration technology with patented bioelectric signaling controlled protein expressions for:
- Turning back on elasticity gene switch lost in youth – tropoelastin producing.
- Homing skin repairing stem cells to face and neck.
- Controlling release of COL17A1 heralded in Japan as perhaps the most powerful wrinkle reducer ever discovered.
- Klotho based aging reversal and inflammation reduction.
- Clinically proven > Click Here
regenerate hair loss
16.67% increase in hair density with only 8 short duration treatments.
- Only hair regeneration technology with patented bioelectric signaling controlled protein expressions for:
- Stem cell homing.
- COL17A1 for hair regeneration.
- Klotho based aging reversal and inflammation reduction.
- Clinically proven > Click Here
Stimulus Face Maxx with
Patented SkinStim™ skin regeneration software
Patented SkinStim TM with Stimulus Face Maxx LIONESS SKIN REGENERATION TREATMENT. No other facial and neck skin treatment matches this one. Patented technologies not available anywhere else.
- Regenerates Collagen
- LED Photo Therapy
- Inflammation Reduction
- Inflammation reduction with patented bioelectric signaling protein expressions
Other Products and Services
It all starts with our Lionheart Comprehensive Skin Analysis with cutting edge technologies that helps us develop a customized individualized plan for optimal skin rejuvenation designed just for you.
Dermal fillers
Wrinkle relaxers
Skin tightening and smoothing
LED Light and Laser treatments
Bioelectric enhanced PRF injections
Bioelectric enhanced radio frequency micro needling
Bioelectric enhanced exosomes injections
Bioelectric enhance amniotic membrane secrotome injections
Bioelectric enhanced Wharton's Jelly injections
Klotho expressing mesenchymal stem cells
(only at OUS satellite locations at this time)